torsdag 3 juni 2010


Jokkmokk,Jokkmokk, Ja vad kan man säga, det var under tre dagar och jag bestämde mig för att köra 98 mill, hahaha.. Vilken () väg jag tog, men kul var det. vi bodde i värsta lägengheten vi fick låna, 2 min från där vi skule filma , så det var värsta soft alltså.
Jag led av ryggskott ont som fan!! men vi hade kul som alltid och vi filma.
Denna gång var det insrikta mot samer och deras rättigheter, var jätte intressant att lyssna på. och sen avslutades allt med konsär och soundsystem!!

hadet// one member in the crew

waiting or something!

OK.. everyone, we are sitting in the edeting room and edit our documentery.. Or wating for our quicktime file so we can do our DVD!! We have been edeting it for A week and now is finished:) i´m very happy... I hate waiting but It´s for a good thing I think.. hahahaha...

OK guys here we go!!

onsdag 14 april 2010

The Cliptable

We´ve starded to cut our film today @ Filmpool Nord. We have made a pretty good intro if you ask me with good tempo and nice music from Tonje Unstad and Funksnatchers.

Todays question is:
How many bracelets does Carro have on her arm?
Mail us the right answer! ;)

onsdag 24 mars 2010




Now the film crew in Umeå on adventures and follow this fun project:) we are as always a bit crazy and do funny things and get an awful lot of material to our little pilot! Today we'll be on a track and shoot some great music! Come and listen!
bye bye

måndag 22 mars 2010

This afternoon:

Will Kim and Caroline arrive and we will start to film the Umeå-workshop tomorrow .
On wednesday night will a show take place at the basement under Kafé Station in Umeå.

söndag 28 februari 2010

Yooohoo! We´re in Murmansk.

We started this trip at 6 am in Haparanda, Sweden, when our driver Igor picked us up at the busstation. We had a great time during the trip, we could sleep alot and I also had to discover a great piss-stop (as you can see on our pictures over.) On the same bus sat Anna that gave us funny shaped russian chips that tasted really good.
We arrived to Murmansk at dinner time. We´re at a restaurant listened to a guy pho played saxophone and sang, that looks like the swedish funny musician Pontiak Johansson. The waitors didn´t spoke english at all we were lucky they had pitures of their plates on the menu. Went back pretty early to sleep must be in good shape for tomorrow!